
Before starting, you'll need to create the item that you've inserted in your config.lua file in your inventory system. We currently support 5 different inventories thanks to alp1x's bridge!

๐Ÿงจ ESX

Setup on es_extended is really easy! Go into your esx_multicharacter server-side file esx_multicharacter\server\main.lua and replace lines 228 to line 232 with this:

-- esx_multicharacter line 228
AddEventHandler("esx_identity:completedRegistration", function(source, data)
    TriggerEvent("esx:onPlayerJoined", source, PREFIX .. awaitingRegistration[source], data)
    awaitingRegistration[source] = nil
    ESX.Players[GetIdentifier(source)] = true

It will automatically give the identity card when the user has just registered.

๐Ÿงง QBCore

Go into your qb-multicharacter server-side file qb-multicharacter/server/main.lua and replace GiveStarterItems function with this:

-- qb-multicharacter line 6
local function GiveStarterItems(source)
    local src = source
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)

    for _, v in pairs(QBCore.Shared.StarterItems) do
        Player.Functions.AddItem(v.item, v.amount, false, info)
    return exports['five-idcard']:CreateMetaLicense(source)

It will automatically give the identity card when the user has just registered. You'll also have to remove id_card from the StarterItems in your qb-core/shared/main.lua config.

โœจ Extra

If you want to give yourself the id card, you can add this command to the server.lua of five-idcard:

QBCore.Commands.Add('givedocs', "Give yourself documents", {}, false, function(source)
end, 'admin')

โ“ Need support?

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Last updated